Housing Finance International Journal Archives

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2009 till 2018, please click here.

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2019 till now, please click here.

Housing Finance International Winter 2015

  • Regional news round-ups
  • Claudia Magalhães Eloy: Brazil’s housing finance system: the potential to address past accumulated needs and future demand
  • Sveinn Agnarsson: Iceland: developments in the housing and mortgage markets
  • Masahiro Kobayashi: Housing and demographics: experiences in Japan
  • Julie Lawson, Mike Berry, Hal Pawson: Guaranteeing investment in affordable rental housing
  • Muhammad Raza: Islamic housing finance


Housing Finance International Autumn 2015

  • Emile J. Brinkmann: The homeownership rate: A flawed metric for making housing policy
  • Jean-Pierre Schaefer: Latest trends in social housing finance policies in France
  • James Mutero: Housing finance innovations in Africa
  • Duncan Kayiira: Overview of the Ugandan housing finance sector
  • Pekka Averio: The Finnish housing finance system and the role of MuniFin
  • Jan van der Moolen: The Dutch experience post Vestia: Lessons from the Netherlands


Housing Finance International Summer 2015

  • Regional news round-ups
  • The affordability of private mortgage schemes in Lebanon, 2004-2010: a paradox revealed
  • Celebrating 20 years of democracy within South Africa: a human settlements perspective
  • Fundamental questions on the legal framework for covered bonds
  • UK buy-to-let comes of age – investment returns compared
  • Real estate economics: changing social environments and the harmonization of tradition and innovation
  • The International Union for Housing Finance 1914-2014: a 100 year perspective


Housing Finance International Spring 2015

  • Regional news round-ups
  • Once saved, always saved?
  • Tax credits for affordable housing in the USA: could they work elsewhere?
  • Federal Housing Administration’s Default Mortgage Insurance Program creates public value by increasing lending making affordable homeownership possible
  • Promoting energy efficiency in housing: policies in the U.S. and France
  • Understanding and addressing local opposition to affordable housing development in Australia
