Housing Finance International Journal Archives

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2009 till 2018, please click here.

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2019 till now, please click here.

Housing Finance International Winter 2014

  • Regional news round-ups
  • The affordability of private mortgage schemes in Lebanon, 2004-2010: a paradox revealed
  • Celebrating 20 years of democracy within South Africa: a human settlements perspective
  • Fundamental questions on the legal framework for covered bonds
  • UK buy-to-let comes of age – investment returns compared
  • Real estate economics: changing social environments and the harmonization of tradition and innovation
  • The International Union for Housing Finance 1914-2014: a 100 year perspective


Housing Finance International Autumn 2014

  • Regional news round-ups
  • Housing finance in Ukraine: a long way to go
  • Perceptions of land registration in a state-subsidised housing project in South
  • Counting the homeless ‘down under’
  • The case of a secondary mortgage corporation in Malaysia: Cagamas Berhad
  • Stock market fluctuations, housing wealth and consumption behaviour in Turkey


Housing Finance International Summer 2014

  • Regional news round-ups
  • News from the IUHF
  • Brazil’s house price surge
  • Home truths for New Zealand: A swarm of policy reforms needed
  • Germany’s rental property sector: A cornerstone of housing market resilience?
  • The German housing finance system: does it offer lessons in stability to other markets?
  • The future of social housing in Northern Ireland: Structure, funding and supply
  • Stock market fluctuations, housing wealth and consumption behaviour in Turkey (Part 1)


Housing Finance International Spring 2014

  • Regional news round-ups
  • News from members of the IUHF
  • Moscow: the housing market, causes of the ultra-high property prices, housing supply, sources of investment and shortage of affordable housing
  • London: developing a housing strategy for a global city
  • Asian investors as a major growing force in the central London commercial property market
  • Housing in Mexico: structural opportunities, short term challenges
  • Long-term home ownership trends: the U.S., England and Canada
  • Housing Finance “A key player in the Kenyan
