Housing Finance International Journal Archives

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2009 till 2018, please click here.

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2019 till now, please click here.

Housing Finance International Winter 2010

  • International Trends in Owner-Occupation In the Light of the Financial Crisis
  • The Implications of the Credit Boom and Bust on Development and Urban Regeneration in Riga
  • Analysis of Fluctuation in Housing Prices in Iran
  • Financing Eco-Housing in India: A Review
  • The Impact of the Macro-Economic Environment on Institutional Housing Finance in Ghana
  • Indicators of an Integrated Rental Market in Austria


Housing Finance International Autumn 2010

  • An Overview of the Canadian Housing Finance System
  • Flexibility, Security and Efficiency of Security Rights over Real Property in Europe
  • The Role of Mortgage Securitisation in the Financial Crisis and How to Restore the Market’s Health – Part 2
  • The Planning System and Land Provision for Social Housing in Turkey
  • The Private Rental Market in Flanders: Growing Poorer
  • Housing Finance in India: An Overview


Housing Finance International Summer 2010

  • Dubai’s Real Estate Boom and Bust of 2002 – 2008: Dynamics and Policy Responses
  • The Revitalisation of Brazil’s Housing Finance System
  • Towards a Sustainable Housing Finance in Nigeria: The Challenges of Developing Adequate Housing Stock and a Road Map
  • Northern Ireland’s Housing Market: The Prospects for Recovery, the Role of Mortgage Markets and the Perspective in an Era of Public Expenditure Constraint
  • Housing Policy Realignment in East Asia
  • The Impact of the Financial Crisis on UK Mortgage Funding


Housing Finance International Spring 2010

  • Rwanda: Financial Risk Management in Mortgage Lending & Effects on Creation of a Liquidity Facility
  • Mortgage Market in Ghana: The past and the future
  • Pro-Poor Housing: An idea whose time has come
  • Mortgage Banking Development in the Slovak Republic
  • Financial Crisis and Asset Disposition: History lessons for affordable housing preservation?
  • The Ecological Way of Building
