Housing Finance International Journal Archives

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2009 till 2018, please click here.

For a list of the articles published in the Housing Finance International journal from 2019 till now, please click here.

Housing Finance International November 1989

  • Hungary's Changing Housing Finance System
  • Major Changes in US Secondary Markets
  • Progress in Housing Finance Development
  • The Effect of Global Financial Developments on Building Societies
  • The World Bank's Housing Role
  • Debate Continues over Land Registration reproduced with permission from the August-September 1989 issue of Urban Edge, World Bank
  • The Development of Housing Finance in Chile, 1930-1988 Inter-American Housing Union, Cuarderno No. 141, May'June 1989
  • Housing Finance in Crisis: the Chilean Experience
  • The Largest US Thrifts
  • Competition in Banking: Level Paying Field Needed OECD, 1989
  • World Bank Publishes Report for 1989 September 1989 report of the World Bank


Housing Finance International August 1989

  • Housing Finance in the USA in the 1990s
  • The US Mortgage Market: a Statistical Overview
  • Recent Developments in Indian Housing Finance
  • Major Role for India's Housing Development Finance Corp from the annual report of the HDFC
  • World Development Report 1989 summary of the World Development Report 1989, World Bank
  • Valuation of Property in Europe European Mortgage Federation
  • Recent Developments for Canadian ''Near Banks''
  • Impact of Technological Change in the Australian Financial Sector
  • Inter-American Housing Conference in Guatemala
  • Housing Finance Strategy Evolves in Saint Lucia
  • UN Commission on Human Settlements Focuses on Global Strategy for 2000


Housing Finance International May 1989

  • The Owner-occupied Market in the Netherlands
  • The Crisis in the US Thrift Industry
  • The Halifax- the World's Largest Building Society
  • St. George - Australia's Largest Building Society
  • Great Western Banks on the Adjustable Rate Mortgage
  • The Challenge for Savings Banks in the Changing Financial Environment
  • France Introduces Securitization
  • Role of the Insurance Market in Development of Mortgage Securitization
  • Mortgage Insurance in Europe European Federation of Building Societies and the European Community Mortgage Federation
  • Real Estate and Fiscal Legislation summary of the FIABCI report of December 1988
  • Housing Finance in the Caribbean summary of the joint meeting of the Caribbean Ministers of Settlement and Shelter, September 27-28, 1988
  • Urban Housing Finance book review of the OECD publication


Housing Finance International February 1989

  • Caribbean Developments in Housing Finance summary of the annual meeting of the Caribbean Association of Building Societies and Housing Finance Institutions, November 7, 1988
  • Work on Housing Finance by UNCHS (Habitat)
  • The World Bank Reviews its Housing Finance Operations summary of the FY88 Annual Sector Review of the World Bank
  • US Agency Aims to Meet Challenge of Urban Growth
  • Developments in Europe
  • Freddie Mac - a Key Player in the Secondary Mortgage Market
  • Loan Systems for the International Market
  • Role of Housing Finance in Global Retail Banking
  • European Community and the Mortgage Market summary of the report by the Commission of the European Communities, 1988
  • Financing of Rural Housing: the Malawi Experience
